Pengaruh Suplemen Zn-organik, Cu-organik Dan Tepung Kunyit Dalam Ransum Terhadap Daya Tahan Dan Jumlah Bakteri Susu Sapi Perah FH
U.H. Tanuwiria, E. Harlia, D.S. Tasripin, N.R. Manikam, P. Indraswari
Unpad, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, IPB
Unpad, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan, IPB
bacteria count, Bakteri Susu, Cu-organic, Cu-organik, Daya Tahan Susu, Resistance Of Milk, Tepung Kunyit, Tumeric, Zn-organic, Zn-organik
The research adressed to study to the effect of supplementation of Zn-organic, Cu-organic and tumeric (curcuma domestica Val) in ration on resistance of milk and bacteria count in milk FH dairy cattle. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design (RBD), were six treatments and four block as replication. The treatments consisteds of R1 – control ration (a ration used by most dairy farmers); R2 = R1 + 2% Zn-organic; R3 = R1 + 2% Cu-organic; R4 = R1 + 2% Tumeric; R5 = R1 + 2% Zn-organic + 2% Cu-organic; R6 + R5 + 2% Tumeric. The following variables were determined resistance of milk ( alcohol test and perioxidese test) and bacteria count ( Coliform and Staphylococcus count) in milk. The result of research indicated that the R6 treatment is the highest resistance of milk (13.63 hours), the lowest coliforms count (0.29 MPN/ml) and the lowest Staphylococcus count (1.07×105 CFU/ml) in milk.