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The Chemical Characteristics And Acceptability Of Set Yoghurt Made From Caprine Milk As Fermented Health Drinks

The Chemical Characteristics And Acceptability Of Set Yoghurt Made From Caprine Milk As Fermented Health Drinks
Hartati Chairunnisa
Unpad, Prosiding Seminar Nasional PATPI 2007
Unpad, Prosiding Seminar Nasional PATPI 2007
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Set yoghurt dari susu kambing sebagi minuman sehat diproduksi dengan berbagai perlakuan konsentrasi bahan kering susu, melalui proses fermentasi oleh starter kombinasi bakteri asam laktat S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus dan L. acidophilus. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa penggunaan konsentrasi bahan kering 20% dalam susu kambing menghasilkan set yoghurt yang dikehendaki, dengan tekstur agak padat hingga padat dan berdasarkan overall acceptance memiliki nilai kesukaan tertinggi, dengan skala hedonik suka hingga sangat suka. Set yoghurt dengan flavor spesifik ini mengandung jumlah bakteri asam laktat yang masih hidup sebanyak 18,54 x 1011cfu/g, kadar protein terlarut 61,26% dan produksi kadar asam laktat 1,01% (pH 4,38) pada level yang diharapkan.

The set yoghurt as fermented health drinks were made from different total solid content in Caprine milk, by adding a mixed starter culture of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus acidophilus. The result showed that the utilization of 20% of total solid content in Caprine milk resulting in the acceptable set yoghurt, and received the highest mean degree of liking score of overall acceptance as like to extremely like, which a strong jelly-like gel is formed. The flavoured-set yoghurt contain the viability of lactic acid bacteria 18.54 x 101Icfu/g, 61.26% of soluble protein, and produce lactic acid content 1.01% ( pH 4.38 ) at the desired level.

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