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Studi Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Jeruk Lemon Dalam Pembuatan Fresh Cheese (Studi of Fruit Lemon Extract Using on Fresh Cheese Processing)

Studi Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Jeruk Lemon Dalam Pembuatan Fresh Cheese (Studi of Fruit Lemon Extract Using on Fresh Cheese Processing)
Wendry S Putranto, Eka Wulandari,Yuli Astuti Hidayati, Nanah
Unpad, Seminar Nasional Fakultas Peternakan Unpad ke-2 " Sistem Produksi Berbasis Ekosistem Lokal" ISBN 978-602-95808-1-5
Unpad, Seminar Nasional Fakultas Peternakan Unpad ke-2 " Sistem Produksi Berbasis Ekosistem Lokal" ISBN 978-602-95808-1-5
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Indonesia has great potential in the production of tropical fruits as a source of natural organic acids. Utilization of fruit extracts in milk processing is still not much developed. In the process of making fresh cheese can used extract as an ingredient of lemon . Research carried out experimentally by several stages, namely the study of potential lemon extract, lemon extract concentration optimization. The result showed that the extract of lemon has great potential as a producer of natural organic acid with a pH of 3.4 and concentrations of how best to use lemon extract as an ingredient is 13% (v / v), the percentage yield (curd) 20.9%, curd pH 4,9, pH whey 4,9.

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