Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Intensi Membuang Sampah Pada Tempat Sampah Oleh Pengunjung Car Free Day Dago Kota Bandung
Dede Supriadi
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
Intention, Waste
The aim of this study was to describe the intention of the car free day visitor to throw waste to its place. This study was conducted because there was a waste issue in car free day Dago which was caused by the car free day Dago visitor do not dispose the waste to its place yet. The participants of this study were the car free day Dago visitor. This study used descriptive quantitative as the method by using questionnaire which had been written based on Theory of Planned Behavior form Icek Ajzen with three determinants that formed intention, they were attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Data process uses multiple regression analysis technique to find out which determinant was the biggest contibution in forming the intention to dispose the waste to its place. The result showed that the contribution of: (1) attitude toward disposing waste to its place was positive and significant, (2) visitor’s perceived behavioral control about their ability to show the disposing waste to its place behavior was positve and significant, (3) subjective norms to dispose the waste to its place is postive but not significant, (4) 86.25 % of the car free day visitor showed a strong intention in disposing waste to its place.