Home-Based Care: Bridging the gap of care for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) in Bandung indonesia
Kusman Ibrahim, Hartiah Haroen, Barbanas Leuwol Martiani D. Octavia, Lucas Pinxteni
Universitas Padjadjaran, ICAAP IX, The 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP)
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, ICAAP IX, The 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP)
care support, Homecare, nursing care
Issues By the year 2015, 11% of the total Indonesia hospital bed capacity is needed for PLHA. to deal with this home-based care could be a good startegy to deliver health care as well as mobilize and strong then care resources at family and community level project. Need asseseement to develop home based care model for PLHA. Data were gathered through interview and observation with twenty-six PLHA and seven care givers during home visit for 6 month (June-December 2008). And then analyzed qualitatively by using content analiysis. Result. The family was identified as the main source of support hope care and encouragment. Basic nursing skills such as bathing on bed, wound care feeding and universal precaution were needed by family care givers. Mediacation adherences is one among the major issues that need to be addressed in the provosion of care. Psychosocial is spritual support and basic information on care for dying and passed away patients is needed at community and should build on avalible local resources. Lesson learned Home-based care services is needed to ensure contium of care. Health care provider as challenged to strengthen the role of family or care gives in addressing treatment adhenrence to be more effective and comprehensive in caring for PLHA.