Cervical Lymph Node and Lung Metastases in Papillary Thyroid Cancer (131I Whole Body SPECT-CT Scan / Contributed by Indonesia)
Hussein Kartamihardja, MD
Universitas Padjadjaran, E-Learning in Nuclear Medicine An Electronic Atlas of Interesting Nuclear Medicine Cases
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, E-Learning in Nuclear Medicine An Electronic Atlas of Interesting Nuclear Medicine Cases
Cancer, Cervical Lymph Node
HISTORY A 40-year-old man with post-totalthyroidectomy and radioiodine ablation for well-differentiated thyroid cancer. FINDINGS Whole Body Scan. Whole Body Scintigraphy (WBS) after preventive thyroablation with sensitive thyroid stimulating hormone sensitive (sTSH) more than 60 uIU/ml showed multiple tracer uptake in thyroid bed (Figure 1A). Follow-up Whole Body Scan, Thyroglobulin and Anti-thyroglobulin. At 6-month follow up (after withdrawal of Levothyroxine for one month), serum thyroglobulin (Tg) level was 2.49 ng/ml, negative anti-thyroglobulin antibody (ATA) and sTSH more than 161 uIU/ml. NaI-131 diagnostic whole body scintigraphy (DWBS) showed there was abnormal tracer uptake in cervical lymph node and both lungs (Figure 1B). These areas of abnormal tracer uptake were more obvious in the WBS after a second NaI131 therapy (Figure 1C and Figure 2).