Analisis Karakter Penting Dan Skrining Marka-Marka SSR Yang Berasosiasi Dengan Gen BPH Pada Lima Kultivar Padi
Gigih Ibnu Prayoga, Danar Dono, Neni Rostini, Nono Carsono
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding Seminar dan Lokakarya FKPTPI 2014: “Mengembalikan Patriotisme Pertanian" Buku 2, Makalah Agroekoteknologi ISBN NO 978-602-96301-4-5
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding Seminar dan Lokakarya FKPTPI 2014: “Mengembalikan Patriotisme Pertanian" Buku 2, Makalah Agroekoteknologi ISBN NO 978-602-96301-4-5
Bph gene, Brown Planthopper, important traits, marker, visualization
Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) is well-known as the major pest in rice cultivation in Indonesia and other countries in Asia. Developing resistant rice lines is the ideal option for economic and effective management. The experiments were aimed to obtain the important traits between Brown planthopper (BPH) resistant and susceptible genotypes, to obtain SSR markers that can be used in Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) and association of SSR markers with important traits. In this study, characterization of important traits and screening of eight SSR markers were performed for five genotypes i.e. PTB¬33 (resistant genotype), 1R-64 (tolerant), Pandan Wangi (susceptible), Ciherang (susceptible), and Sintanur (susceptible). PTB -33 showed higher photosynthetic rate (tolerant ability), longer trichomes size (antixenosis ability), and lower protein content (antibiosis ability) compared with other cultivars. RM8213 exhibited visible polymorphic bands between PTB-33 and other cultivars, meanwhile RM586 and RM589 showed polymorphic bands between PTB-33 and other cultivars, except cv. 1R-64. Z-mantel test for correlation between physiological traits and SSR markers showed that Qbph4 and Bph17(t) genes highly correlated with photosynthetic rates and trichomes length, whereas Bph3 and bph4 genes showed a high level of correlation with protein content.