Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Fluid Inclusion Studies of Te-Bearing Gold-Silver-Basemetal Arinem Deposit, West Java, Indonesia
E.T. Yuningsih , H. Matsueda
Universitas Padjadjaran, Abstract with Program The Society Of Resource Geology June 23-25, 2010 Tokyo Japan
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Abstract with Program The Society Of Resource Geology June 23-25, 2010 Tokyo Japan
fluid inclusion., Geochemistry, Indonesia, mineralogy, Te-Bearing Gold-Silver-Basemetal Arinem Deposit, West Java
The Arinem vein system of Late .Miocene (K-Ar age + 8-8 Ma) age is characterized by a Au¬Ag-basemetal mineralization and is located Southwestern of lava Indonesia. The three main miner¬alized quartz veins are named Arinem. Bantarhuni and Halimun Mineralogical, geochemical, hydrothermal alteration. fluid inclusion, and K-Ar age dating of the Arinem vein were conducted in order to characterize the physicochemical processes involved in the mineralization. The host rock of mineralization at Arinem vein are andesitic tuff, breccias and lava of the Oligocene -Middle Miocene of Jampang Formation (23 – 11.61 Ma). Those are overlaid uncon-formably by volcanic group of Pliocene and Pliocene – Pleistocene that are composed of tuff, tuff breccias and andesitic – basaltic lava. The pyroclastic host rocks mainly suffered of propylitic and argillic alterations and are characterized by the occurrence of chlorite, sericite, kaolinire, smectite and in place by carbonate. Outcrop and drill core samples containing gold-silver are intimately associated with basemetal minerals of copper, lead and zinc.