A Two-dimensional Model For The Transmission Of Dengue Fever Disease
A Two-dimensional Model For The Transmission Of Dengue Fever Disease
Asep K. Supriatna
Dengue, Disease, Fever, Infectious, Transmission, Two Dimensional
Asep K. Supriatna
Dengue, Disease, Fever, Infectious, Transmission, Two Dimensional
Dengue fever is regarded as a serious infectious disease that risks about 2.5 billion people all over the world, especially in the tropical countries [2]. Mortality rate of this infectious disease may reach 40 % if the infected person is left untreated [3]. Although almost all of the occurrences of the dengue are in the tropical countries, a recent study shows that the dengue may occur in cooler countries due to the global warming effects [4]. The climate change may convert a region from an unsuitable habitat for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to live to a new suitable habitat; the Aedes are the responsible vector in transmitting the disease.
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