Green Entrepreneur In Increasing Family’s Income
Yosini Deliana, Rani Andriani B. Kusumo and Dini Rochdiani
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings International Conference On Economics, Business And Social Sciences (ICEBUSS 2016), Publisher: Faculty of Economics University of Islam Malang , Copyright © Desember 2016, ISBN: 978-979-3490-68-7
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings International Conference On Economics, Business And Social Sciences (ICEBUSS 2016), Publisher: Faculty of Economics University of Islam Malang , Copyright © Desember 2016, ISBN: 978-979-3490-68-7
and cluster analysis., Green entrepreneur, green packaging, value added
The name of Jatinangor became famous since the campus of Padjadjaran University moved from Bandung to Jatinagor in 1985. There were four universities, namely UNPAD, ITB , STPDN and IKOPIN resulting in increased waste paper. In addition there is a shift in livelihood from agriculture to services and trade. Many people lost their livelihoods because they sale their farm. From the 2014 the area of farming in Jatinangor only 2,102 hectares or less than 9% of the area Jatinangor overall. These conditions resulted decreasing family income. The number of people who prosper in the District Jatinangor reached 20 205 people or 22.5% and the remaining 77.5% is in the category of less prosperous population (Data Base and Profile Village Sub Jatinangor, 2014). The woman community in Cileles and Cilayung village already become green entrepreneur by processing waste paper into green packaging. The purpose of this study was to analyze the value added of green packaging, which groups are already become green entrepreneur, only interest involved in green entrepreneur and which group unwillingness to be a green entrepreneur. In addition, what push factors and obstacles in doing green entrepreneur, how the strategy of sustainability of green entrepreneur. Research was conducted in and Cileles and Cilayung village, Jatinangor district from August to September 2016 with a sample of 100 people. Samples were taken by simple random sampling, taken 8% of the population housewife from those villages. Data were analyzed by cluster analysis, value added analysis and described descriptively. This research is important because women an important role in managing family finances, so it important to strengthening woman in increasing family’s income. Manufacturing of green packaging in addition to increasing family income also contributed to the activities that are based on environmentally-friendly.