Strategy Of Courtesy For Commissive Speech Act At The Proposing Ceremony In Lampung Komering
Nurhasanah, Dadang Suganda, Nani Darmayanti
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Journal of English and Education Volume:3, Issue:2, April 2014, ISSN: 2278-4012, www.ijee.org
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Journal of English and Education Volume:3, Issue:2, April 2014, ISSN: 2278-4012, www.ijee.org
commissive illocutionary, politeness strategy
A politeness strategy is a skill used to make polite conversation so thehearer feels appreciated, both in formal and informal conversation. In this study,researchers will discuss a formal conversation; especially in the event of propose inLampung Komering. This study is about politeness strategies used by speakers incommissive illocutionary speech acts. The primary data in this study is the video ofthe proposing ceremony in Lampung Komering , and the secondary data is the archivefor proposing in Lampung Komering . This study describes what kind of politenessstrategies used by speakers. The method used in this study is qualitative method withthe descriptive concept. This study uses qualitative methods so that the data obtainedis not stated in the form of numbers or statistics, but in the form of qualitativeexpressed in words . Descriptive concept is not considering the truth or falsity of thedata obtained. The result of the study shows two politeness strategies using directstrategy and indirect strategy, while other data use negative politeness strategy andsolidarity strategy.