Various Speech Acts In Disclosing Conversational Implicature Among UKM KSR PMI Unit Unila Members
Zares Melia, Nani Darmayanti, Sugeng Riyanto
Universitas Padjadjaran, Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) Vol.1.Issue.4.;2013, https://www.rjelal.com
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) Vol.1.Issue.4.;2013, https://www.rjelal.com
direct and indirect speech act, Implicature, literal and non-literal speech act.
This research discussed about the type of speech acts in conversation among the members of UKM KSR PMI Unit in Universitas Lampung, Indonesia. This research also described and classified the form of speech in conversation among those members. The present author examined these cases because they often interacted in various speech interactions. The method that used in this research is a qualitative method. Further, the data sources are taken from a conversation among the members of UKM KSR PMI Unit in Universitas Lampung, Indonesia. In addition, they were from different faculties and departments. The data in this research were all speeches that contain Implicatures, and then they would be classified based on direct and indirect as well as literal and on-literal. Finally, regarding to the problem statement discussed, the present author found direct non-literal speech act, indirect literal speech act, and indirect non-literal speech act in those conversation.