Study Of The Formation Of Acrylamide In Fried Cassava With Coconut Oil, Palm Oil And Corn Oil As Cooking Media
Acrylamide, Coconut Oil, Corn Oil, Palm Oil
Research on the study of acrylamide analysis using high performance liquid chromatography to maintain the accuracy and precision of this method has been carried out.. Lichrocart C- 18 RP was used as the column with acetonitrile-water (5:95) pH 2.52 as the mobile phase. The time of retention was ± 7.3 minutes. Calibration curve showed a linear correlationbetween area under curve versus concentrations from 0.1 to 2 ìg/mL with the correlation oefficient, r = 0.9999 and the equation of regression was y = 1973.9 + 21,8914 x. Limit of detection was 0.0125 ìg/ml whereas limit of quantization was 0.0398 ìg/ml. The optimum condition of analysis had the precision lower than 2% and average accuracy was between 99 to 101%. This method then was applied to study the formation of acrylamide in fried cassava with different cooking oils (coconut, palm and corn oils) as the media. The samples were extracted three times using dichloromethane-ethanol. Result showed that acrylamide was found in all samples which were 0.034 ìg/g in coconut oil, 2.747 ìg/g in palm oil and 0.41 ìg/g in corn oil. The highest concentration of acrylamide was formed in palm oil.