The Effect Of Using Coconut Oil, Palm Oil And Corn Oil As Frying Medium On Concentration Of Acrylamide In Fermented Soybeans Processing
Acrylamide, Coconut Oil, Corn Oil, Fermented Soybeans
A research to identify and quantify acrylamide content in a cakes of fermented soyabeans with different three frying oil using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The samples were prepared by cooking and baking above 1200C fermented soybeansrature then extracted with dichloromethane-ethanol. The extracts were analyzed by HPLC, with condition as followed: C-18 column; acetonitrile-water (5:95) pH 2,52 mobile-phase; 0,5 ml/minute flow rate; and 210 nm wavelength. It was figured out that a fried fermented soybeans using corn oil contained 0,5778 ìg/g acrylamide (8,202.10-3 standard deviation and 1,4195 % coefficient variation), using coconut oil 0,192 ìg/g acrylamide (5,656.10-3 standard deviation 2,946 % coefficient variation), using palm oil 0,1455 ìg/g acrylamide (6,081.10-3 standard deviation and 4,1794 % coefficient variation).