Perubahan Komposisi Pati Dan Gula Dua Jenis Ubi Jalar “cilembu” Selama Penyimpanan
Tino Mutiarawati Onggo
fructose, glucose, Starch, Storage, sucrose, sweet potato orange Nirkum and yellow Nirkum
Ubi jalar Cilembu dikenal karena mempunyai rasa yang lebih manis dibanding ubi jalar lain. Untuk mendapatkan rasa yang manis, umumnya ubi setelah panen harus disimpan dulu beberapa waktu. Pengamatan komposisi pati dan gula ubi jalar Cilembu selama penyimpanan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui waktu penyimpanan ubi yang optimal agar diperoleh rasa ubi yang baik yang berhubungan dengan perubahan komposisi pati dan gula selama penyimpanan tersebut. Dua jenis ubi Cilembu, yaitu yang daging ubinya berwarna jingga dan yang kuning, setelah panen disimpan dalam ruangan. Pengamatan kadar air ubi dan susut bobot ubi serta analisis kadar pati, sukrosa, glukosa dan fruktosa dilakukan tiap minggu selama 5 minggu penyimpanan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa penyimpanan ubi sampai 5 minggu setelah panen tidak berpengaruh pada kadar air dan kadar pati ubi, juga peningkatan kadar gula sukrosa tidak nyata terlihat. Sebaliknya, peningkatan kadar glukosa sudah terdeteksi pada 1 – 2 minggu setelah penyimpanan dan makin nyata setelah 3 minggu penyimpanan, begitu juga kadar fruktosa nyata meningkat setelah 3 minggu penyimpanan, namun kemudian kadar kedua gula tersebut tetap sampai penyimpanan 5 minggu. Peningkatan kadar fruktosa yang tinggi mencapai lebih dari tiga kali lipat selama 3 – 5 minggu penyimpanan dibanding saat panen, tampaknya merupakan salah satu penyebab rasa ubi Cilembu sangat manis. Antara ubi Nirkum jingga dan Nirkum kuning tidak ada perbedaan pada semua komponen pengamatan dalam percobaan ini.
Cilembu sweet potato has a better eating-quality compared to other sweet potato cultivar. To have a sweeter taste, sweet potato root normally should be storage for few weeks after harvest. The aims of this experiment was to study the change of starch and sugar composition of Cilembu sweet potato during 5 weeks of storage period and to determine the optimum storage length of this root to get a better taste. Two types of Cilembu sweet potato, namely the orange root fleshed colour and the yellow ones were stored in room condition after harvest. The weigh-lost and water content of roots were measured weekly interval and the starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose content were analysed at the same time. The results showed that the 5 weeks storage period didn’t affected the water and starch content of Cilembu sweet potato, the sucrose content was also not significantly increased. The glucose content increased after 1 – 2 weeks of storage and continue increased until 3 weeks of storage, the fructose content also increased significantly after 3 weeks of storage, but than both sugars were remained constant until 5 weeks of storage. The increased of fructose content more than three fold during the 3 – 5 weeks of storage seem to be the one reasons that Cilembu has the sweeter taste. There are no significant different on all parameter tested between the orange flesh colour and the yellow colour.