Physical Charachteristic And Acceptability Of Rabbit Meatball From Various Pieces Of Carcass
Kusmajadi Suradi, Husmy Yurmiati
carcass, meatball, rabbit
Rabbit meat has not accepted by most of Indonesia society. Psychological factor is supposed to be the main factor. Therefore through the processing of making meatballs, rabbit meat able to be accepted by the society. It is because meatball is favorite food of Indonesian people.The purpose of this research is to know how physical charachteristic and acceptability of rabbit meatball if using various pieces of carcass. Research conducted in experimental and used completely randomized design with the treatment of three parts carcass, i.e. foreleg, hind leg and loin, and each treatment repeated six times. The measurable variable was elasticity,water holding capacity,the panelist’s favorite level toward the taste and tenderness. The result of the research showed that the best physical charachteristic and acceptability of rabbit meat ball was on the hindleg.