Arsip rabbit

The Effect Of Giving Bioplus To Rabbit’S Skin Production

Bioplus is content solutions of chosen rumen which contains microbe ...

The Use of Animal Protein Sources in the Diet and Their Effect on the Physical of Rabbit Pelt

Rabbit is a potential livestock which yields good pelts. Quality ...

Physical Charachteristic And Acceptability Of Rabbit Meatball From Various Pieces Of Carcass

Rabbit meat has not accepted by most of Indonesia society. ...

Hubungan Berat Potong dengan Berat Luas dan Tebal Pelt Kelinci

Ternak kelinci banyak dipelihara di pedesaan, karena mampu hidup dengan ...

Effects Of Electrical Stimulation With Different Impulses On Physical Characteristics Of Rabbit Meat

Meat becoming less tender with age. One of the methods ...

Deteksi Logam Berat Plumbum Dan Kadmium Pada Hati Kelinci

Jumlah residu logam berat plumbum dan kadmium yang masuk kedalam ...