The Effect Of Giving Ration With Different Level Of Fiber Toward Rabbit’S Leg And Loin Tender
Kusmajadi Suradi, Husmy Yurmiaty
fiber, meat, tender
Fiber contained in rabbit ration must get attention because a rabbit has a limited ability in fiber processing. Fiber containing in a ration will affect fat forming. It will affect meat tender. Meat tender is various in every carcass location. It’s depend on many or less of tissue in every part of carcass. Level of fiber in a ration and carcass part is two factors that will affect meat tender. The aim of the research to know the effect in giving ration with different fiber level towards meat tender on the leg and the loin. This research was done by experiment and using factorial design 4×2 with Randomized Block Design (RBD). As the first factor are four kinds of ration with 13%; 14%; 15%; and 16% fiber. The second factor is a carcass part; the leg and the loin. Every treatment was replicated six times and needed 48 male rabbits. The measured variable is pH, water holding capacity and meat tender. The result showed that the loin has higher tender and water holding capacity (P< 0, 05) if compared with the leg, but it is not effected pH meat. While a fiber level in ration (12% until 15%) mainly not effected pH, water holding capacity and rabbit meat tender, and there is no interaction between those two fibers.