Arsip Muslim
Peran Religiusitas Terhadap Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Pada Mahasiswa Muslim Di Universitas Padjajaran
Religiusitas dalam Islam berkaitan dengan sejauh mana internalisasi nilai-nilai agama ...
Makna organisasi Al Haq bagi Mahasiswa Anggota Organisasi Al Haq di Universitas Maranatha
Marini Fitri Dewi Karniwa, 210110110162. Makna Organisasi Al Haq Bagi ...
Submitting self to Allah: Care perception of persons living with HIV infection in Muslim community of Bandung, Indonesia
This focused ethnography aims to explore and describe the conceptions ...
The Conceptions Of HIV/AIDS And Living With HIV/AIDS Among Muslims Infected By HIV In Bandung Indonesia
Muslims form the largest section of the population in Indonesia, ...
The Conceptions Of HIV/AIDS And Living With HIV/AIDS Among Muslims Infected By HIV In Bandung Indonesia
Muslims form the largest section of the population in Indonesia, ...
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