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Respon Persentase Tepung kacang koro benguk (Illucuna Pruriens L.) Pada Sifat Fisikdan Akseptabilitas naget ayam

Respon Persentase Tepung kacang koro benguk (Illucuna Pruriens L.) Pada Sifat Fisikdan Akseptabilitas naget ayam
Obin Rachmawan, Lilis Suryaningsih,Oktarina Anisawati Ramadin
Unpad, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran,Bandung
Unpad, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran,Bandung
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The aims of the research is to determine and to get the percentage response velvet bean flour on the best physical characteristics (water holding capacity, cooking loss, and tenderness) and the acceptability of the most preffered (total acceptance) chicken nugget. The reasearch was used experimental method by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments (the proportion level of velvet bean flour 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) and each treatment was repeated four times. Statistical tests performed using analysis of variance to determine the effect of treatment and to know the difference between the treatments using Duncan’s Multiple range test. The results showed that the response percentage velvet bean flour at 20% put out the best physical properties (water holding capacity 37.20%, cooking loss 2.51%, and tenderness 100.25 mm/g/ I 0 seconds) and acceptability of the most preferred with a total revenue neutral to like with a numerical scale (3,2).