Perendaman Daging Domba Garut Dengan Berbagai Konsentrasi Asap Cair Tempurung Kelapa Terhadap Jumlah Total Bakteri, Daya Awet Dan Akseptabilitas (The Imersion Of Lamb With Various Concentration Of Coconut Shell Liquid Smoke Toward Total Bacteria Count, Shelf Life And Acceptability )
Lilis Suryaningsih, Wendry S Putranto, Eliza Prima Tiarasari
acceptability, coconut shell liquid smoke, Lamb, shelf life, toward total bacteria count
This research conducted at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry University of Padjadjaran on June 2009. The aims of this research were to know how far the influence of submersion coconut shell liquid smoke toward total bacteria count, toward shelf life and acceptability to lamb. This research did experimentally by using Complete Randomized Design with five treatments of submersion smoke liquid 0% (A0) by using smoke liquid 2,5%, (A1) 5% (A2), 7,5 (A3) and and 10% (A4) (v/v), with repetition as many as four times. The data gained was analyzed with various examination analysis and to know the difference among treatments continue with Tukey’s Test. The research result showed that the lambsubmersion with smoke liquid coconut shell influenced to the decreasing total bacteria count and the increasing shelf life and taste of lamb but did not influence to acceptability (color, smell and total acceptance) of lamb. Smoke liquid can be used until to the concentration 10% with duration of submersion 30 minutes resulting toward total bacteria count average 17,45 x 106 CFU/gram. The longest of shelf life average was 1752,50 minutes anceptability (color, taste, smell and total acceptance) with hedonic scale from rather favor to very favor.