Perendaman Daging Itik (Anas Javanica) Dengan Berbagai Konsentrasi Asap Cair Tempurung Kelapa Terhadap Jumlah Bakteri, Daya Awet Dan Akseptabilitas (The Submersion Of Duck Meat (Anas Javanica) With Various Concentration Of Coconut Shell Liquid Smoke Toward Bacteria Count, Shelf Life And Acceptability)
Wendry Setiyadi Putranto, Lilis Suryaningsih, Indah Septiani
acceptability, bacteria count, coconut shell, Duck meat, liquid smoke, shelf life
The research on the influence of duck meat (Anas javanica) submersion with various concentration of coconut shell liquid smoke toward bacteria count, shelf life and acceptability was to know the influence of drake meat submersion with various concentration of coconut shell liquid smoke toward total bacteria count, shelf life and acceptability also to know the percentage of concentration coconut shell liquid smoke to submerge drake meat thus gained the lowest total bacteria count, the longest shelf life and acceptability the most favor. This research did based on Complete Randomized Design, with five type of repetitions of submersion coconut shell liquid smoke with concentrations those were 0% (A0), 2,5% (A1), 5% (A2), 7,5% (A3) and 10% (A4), with repetition as many as 4 times. The research result showed that the duck meat submersion with coconut shell liquid smoke influenced to the decreasing bacteria count, and increasing shelf life but did not influence to the acceptability (color, taste, smell and total acceptance) of duck meat. Liquid smoke can be used until to the concentration 10% resulting total bacteria count as many as 25,40 x 106 CFU/g, shelf life as long as 1216 minutes and acceptability (color, taste, smell and overall acceptance) with hedonic scale between from rather favor to very favor.